

7 myths about your teeth (Part 1)

“Diet sodas are okay to drink.” “Flossing creates spaces between teeth.”“Cleaning the calculus will ruin my teeth.”“My tooth doesn’t hurt, so it should be okay.”  How many of these have you heard before? We would like to share the truth about these common oral health myths we hear from our patients almost every day. Read on

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What causes bad breath?

Bad breath. We all know what it is and we’ve all been embarrassed by our own from time to time. But what causes it?  Knowing and understanding what causes bad breath can help you prevent it and the embarrassment that often accompanies it. Read on to learn more about what causes bad breath. Also called

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7 ways to overcome the fear of dentist

After one of our previous blogs (https://drdonevski.mk/en/2020/04/06/do-wisdom-teeth-have-to-be-removed/) some patients wrote us some messages, telling that they have problems with their teeth, but they are scared to come to solve the problem. Many patients have a fear of the dentist (dentophobia) and are looking for ways to calm down before coming in for an appointment. A

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Little known dental facts

1. What do tree branches, wild boar hairs, and nylon have in common? The bristles of a toothbrush have been made from these items. People have been concerned about their dental hygiene since Egyptian times. Ancient tombs contained small tree branches whose ends had been frayed into soft fibers. In the 15th century, the Chinese made

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Do Wisdom Teeth Have to be Removed?

Wisdom teeth are the third molars in the very back of our mouths and don’t always need to be removed so long as they’re healthy, grown in completely, biting correctly, and are able to be cleaned as part of regular hygiene practices. When is wisdom teeth removal necessary? Often, wisdom teeth don’t have room to grow

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Interesting facts about teeth (Part 2)

Here are 5 more interesting facts about teeth. 6. Your mouth produces over 25,000 quarts of saliva in a lifetime—that’s enough to fill two swimming pools. Saliva has many uses, including assisting you with your digestion and protects your teeth from bacteria in your mouth. 7. An average person spends 38.5 days brushing their teeth

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Charcoal toothpaste for whitening: Does it work?

Charcoal is currently one of the biggest trends in the world of wellness and cosmetics. It’s become a trendy ingredient in commercial face masks and scrubs, and some people also swear by it for whitening their teeth. Activated charcoal — the type used in beauty products and toothpaste — is a fine grain powder made

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What is a Night Guard and do you need it?

Do you regularly wake up with headaches, a sore jaw or toothache? You might need to visit us, for an evaluation. Such discomforts could mean you suffer from bruxism, or teeth grinding. This happens when you grind and clench your teeth while sleeping. The consequences of this constant abrasion include fractured teeth and premature enamel

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Interesting facts about teeth (Part 1)

At Pzu Dr. Donevski, we believe it’s important to not only treat our patients with high quality care, but to educate them about their oral health so they can be empowered to live healthy lives. Below are 10 fun facts about teeth we thought you’d enjoy learning about. The enamel on the top surface on

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